A/L General English | How To Write An Essay

 Writing a stellar essay for an advanced-level general English exam requires thorough preparation, strong arguments, and polished language. Here's a breakdown of the process, along with an example:

Before you write:

  1. Understand the prompt: Thoroughly read and analyze the essay topic. Identify the key question, any specific instructions, and expected tone (formal, persuasive, etc.).
  2. Brainstorm and research: Consider different angles to approach the topic. Research supporting evidence like facts, statistics, examples, or quotes.
  3. Develop a thesis statement: This is the central point of your essay, summarizing your main argument. Make it clear, concise, and directly address the prompt.
  4. Outline your essay: Create a roadmap for your writing. Divide your arguments into paragraphs and highlight supporting evidence for each.

Writing the essay:

  1. Introduction: Engage the reader with a captivating opening sentence, briefly introduce the topic, and state your thesis statement.
  2. Body paragraphs: Each paragraph should focus on a single point supporting your thesis. Use transition words to connect ideas smoothly. Integrate evidence seamlessly with clear explanations and analysis. Consider countering opposing viewpoints to demonstrate depth.
  3. Conclusion: Summarize your main points, reiterate your thesis, and leave a lasting impression. Offer a thought-provoking final statement or call to action.


  • Advanced vocabulary and grammar: Use a rich vocabulary and complex sentence structures while maintaining clarity. Employ precise and varied sentence lengths.
  • Formal tone: Maintain a formal and objective tone, avoiding informal language and contractions.
  • Citations and plagiarism: If using external sources, ensure proper citation in the chosen format. Never plagiarize.
  • Proofreading and editing: Revise your essay for grammar errors, typos, and clarity. Ensure smooth flow and logical progression of ideas.


Prompt: Should social media platforms be held accountable for the spread of misinformation?

Introduction: The pervasive nature of social media has revolutionized communication, but its vast reach comes with a dark side: the rampant spread of misinformation. While holding these platforms entirely accountable presents challenges, their negligence in curbing falsehoods poses a significant threat to society, necessitating stricter regulations and proactive measures.

Body Paragraph 1: The echo chamber effect created by algorithms fuels the spread of misinformation. Users are often exposed only to information confirming their existing beliefs, creating filter bubbles that isolate them from opposing viewpoints. This fosters the spread of unverified claims and conspiracy theories, particularly on polarizing topics.

Body Paragraph 2: The impact of misinformation is far-reaching, eroding trust in institutions, hindering informed decision-making, and inciting real-world harm. False narratives about elections, vaccines, or social issues can sway public opinion and have disastrous consequences. Recent events like political unrest and vaccine hesitancy highlight the urgency of combating misinformation.

Body Paragraph 3: While complete censorship is undesirable and freedom of expression must be protected, social media platforms can and should be held accountable for failing to combat misinformation effectively. Fact-checking mechanisms, stricter content moderation policies, and increased transparency regarding algorithms are crucial steps. Additionally, promoting media literacy education can empower users to critically evaluate information.

Conclusion: The onus lies not just on individuals but also on social media platforms to act with responsibility. By implementing stricter regulations, promoting media literacy, and actively combating misinformation, we can ensure that the interconnected world of social media fosters informed discourse and protects the fabric of our society.


  • Vocabulary: Use advanced vocabulary and varied sentence structures to demonstrate your language proficiency.
  • Grammar and mechanics: Proofread carefully for grammatical errors, typos, and punctuation mistakes.
  • Originality: Express your unique perspective and avoid clichés.
  • Time management: Practice writing within the allotted time frame for the exam.

This is just a sample, and the specific content and approach will vary depending on your chosen topic and exam requirements. However, by following these steps and incorporating the essential elements mentioned above, you can write a compelling and well-structured essay that showcases your advanced English language skills and critical thinking abilities.

Remember to practice writing essays regularly and familiarize yourself with past exam papers for specific guidelines and expectations. Good luck!

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