General English Tips And Tricks

 While using advanced vocabulary is encouraged for higher-level essays, don't neglect the importance of common words and phrases. They form the backbone of your writing and ensure clarity and conciseness. Here are some common words and phrases frequently used in essays:


  • Firstly, secondly, lastly
  • In addition, furthermore, moreover
  • However, nevertheless, nonetheless
  • Therefore, consequently, thus
  • To conclude, in conclusion, in summary

Sentence starters:

  • It is important to note that...
  • One could argue that...
  • The evidence suggests that...
  • A key point to consider is...
  • There are several factors to take into account...

Connective words:

  • And, but, or, because, therefore, so, since, as, if, when, although, while


  • Argue, analyze, discuss, evaluate, explain, illustrate, compare, contrast, examine, propose, suggest, conclude


  • Argument, analysis, discussion, evaluation, explanation, comparison, contrast, evidence, conclusion, claim, hypothesis


  • This, that, these, those, it, which, who, whom, whose

Remember, using common words and phrases effectively is about clarity and flow. Don't overcomplicate your sentences with unnecessary jargon. Focus on building a strong argument and conveying your ideas effectively.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Vary your sentence structure: Don't just use short, simple sentences. Use a mix of sentence lengths and structures to keep your writing engaging.
  • Use active voice: Active voice makes your writing more direct and engaging.
  • Proofread carefully: Make sure your essay is free of errors in grammar, mechanics, and spelling.

By using common words and phrases effectively, you can write a clear, concise, and well-structured essay that demonstrates your understanding of the topic.

Essays, especially for general English exams, often rely on a combination of both advanced and common words and phrases. Knowing when to use each is key to creating a smooth, impactful, and well-rounded essay.

Common Words and Phrases:

  • Transition words and phrases: These help connect your ideas and guide the reader smoothly through your essay. Examples include: however, moreover, furthermore, in addition, on the one hand, on the other hand, therefore, consequently, as a result, to conclude, in conclusion, to summarize, and in summary.
  • Basic linking verbs and sentence structures: While you can utilize sophisticated vocabulary, your essay's main framework should be built using familiar sentence structures and clear verbs like "is," "are," "was," "were," "has," "have," "had," "do," "does," "did," "can," "could," "should," "will," and "would."
  • General academic language: Words like "analyze," "argue," "evaluate," "explain," "investigate," "discuss," "debate," "compare," "contrast," "support," "evidence," "source," "conclusion," and "thesis statement" are crucial for conveying your academic points.

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