The One Thing Schools Get Wrong (and How to Fix It)



Education shapes our lives. It opens doors, ignites passions, and empowers us to reach our full potential. But what does it truly mean to teach "perfectly"? Is it a fixed formula, or a journey of discovery tailored to each student? As a teacher, I believe our role is not to mold students into pre-defined versions of success, but to guide them in uncovering their unique talents and aspirations.

A Teacher's Impact:

I remember my geography teacher, Mr. Kalee Hasan Sir. He wasn't just a teacher; he was a mentor, a confidant, and a source of endless encouragement. He saw beyond textbooks and exams, recognizing the potential within each student. He didn't dictate our paths but helped us navigate the map of our own dreams.

Beyond Textbooks:

While textbooks and exams hold their place, education shouldn't be confined to them. The world demands more than rote memorization; it demands critical thinkers, problem solvers, and innovators. We need to equip our students with real-life skills like communication, collaboration, and adaptability.

The "One Size Fits All" Fallacy:

The notion that every student should become a doctor or engineer is not only unrealistic, but also disregards the diverse talents and passions that each individual possesses. Our current system often operates under this "one size fits all" mentality, creating pressure and stifling creativity.

Redefining Success:

Instead of chasing a singular, predetermined definition of success, let's celebrate the multifaceted nature of achievement. Success looks different for everyone. It could be becoming a doctor, an artist, a tech entrepreneur, or even a skilled tradesperson. The key is to nurture each student's unique talents and help them discover what success means to them.

From Teacher to Guide:

My role as a teacher is not to dictate their path, but to provide them with the tools and support they need to navigate their own journeys. I want to help them discover their passions, develop their strengths, and overcome challenges. Together, we can explore the world beyond textbooks, fostering a love for learning that extends far beyond the classroom walls.


Perfection in teaching isn't a destination, but a continuous journey of exploration and growth, both for students and educators alike. Let's move beyond rigid expectations and embrace the beauty of individual potential. By empowering students to discover their own paths, we can unlock their true potential and pave the way for a brighter future.

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