The Complete Guide to Wealth Creation: 17 Books You Must Read


Hi there! Have you ever had the impression that despite reading a tonne of books on wealth creation, none of them are truly insightful? Yes, I agree. But don’t worry, I’ll be here for you. I’ll distil the most important lessons from every book I’ve ever read on wealth creation into this guide, which consists of 17 must-reads that will genuinely impact your pursuit of money.

Starting Out: Knowing How to Create Wealth

Let’s get one thing clear before we go into the book recommendations: the road to becoming wealthy is one that changes with time. The books you read should correspond with your current stage of the trip, whether you’re just starting out and hoping to make your first $10,000 per month or you’re working hard to reach that million-dollar milestone.

Books to Help You Reach Your Goal of $10,000 Per Month

1. Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist” This one is all about having the guts to follow your passions, which is important when it comes to earning money.

2. Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” — It all comes down to having confidence in your capacity to amass wealth. I promise it will revolutionise the game.

3. James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” — With the help of this book, you will learn how to gradually alter your behaviours and position yourself for long-term success.


Increasing Monthly Income to $10,000–$100,000

4. Timothy Ferriss’ “The 4-Hour Workweek” — Make that money work for you by learning how to work smarter, not harder.

5. **Robert Cialdini’s “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” — Learn how to persuade others to agree with your ideas; this is a skill that all successful people require.

6. David Ogilvy, “Confessions of an Advertising Man” — Learn the inside scoop on how to sell your company and yourself like a pro.

7. Eric Ries, “The Lean Startup” — Learn how to swiftly test your ideas and adjust to what works in the dynamic business world.

8. **Chris Voss, “Never Split the Difference”— Discover the art of bargaining and how to achieve your goals without giving in.

9. Dale Carnegie, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” — Learn how to influence others and make friends because, let’s face it, relationships are important.


Exceeding $100,000 each Month: Examining the Broad Perspective

It’s time to expand your thinking once you begin to earn substantial income. You can get knowledge about managing your wealth more broadly and comprehending the workings of the major players in finance by reading books such as “Money: Master the Game” by Tony Robbins and “The House of Morgan” by Ron Chernow.

Recognising Human Nature

The book “The 48 Laws of Power” This book delves deeply into human psychology and history to help you understand how to deal with power dynamics in relationships.

”How to Win Friends and Influence People” — A must-read for anyone hoping to become an expert in communication and persuasion is Dale Carnegie’s masterpiece.

Understanding Business Principles

Understanding the Foundations of Business

The book “The Personal MBA” This book includes all the information you require to manage a profitable business, regardless of whether you are an existing business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur.


Expanding Your Enterprise

”From $10,000 to $1 Million a Month”— The difficulties that come with growing your company are unique, and this book will show you how to handle them expertly.

 Building Wealth and Investing

”The Intelligent Investor” — Discover how to increase your wealth while lowering risk by understanding the fundamentals of value investing.

#Creating Your Own Reality

The book ”Reality Transurfing” delves into the power of perception and shows you how to mould reality to fit your objectives.


Market dynamics and behavioural economics

”Misbehaving”— Recognise how economic decisions are influenced by human behaviour and learn how to take use of this information.

Examining the Past to Ensure Future Success

”The Creature of Jekyll Island” — Learn how the banking system and the Federal Reserve operate to have a deeper understanding of the financial industry.

The movie “The House of Morgan” Discover how one of the most powerful banking dynasties affected the history of the contemporary financial system.

The Hindmost” — Develop a deeper comprehension of financial cycles and patterns to help you make wise financial decisions.


In summary

That’s it — 17 books that can genuinely make you wealthy. Recall that reading these books is only one aspect of the process; the other is using the knowledge you acquire to further your personal trip. Cheers to your riches and happiness!

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